"Dr Mahathir took a swipe at Anwar' refusal to swear his innocence on the Quran, noting that the accuser, Saiful Bukhary Azlan, was willing to do so in a mosque in the presence of others."
You are 100% innocent as long as you dare to say you are innocent in front of the Holy Book? If that's the case, why do we still need Police, Court, forensic services etc? Then why don't we just dismantle the Police, Court, Shariah etc, and let the mosque handle all the cases? I think this is an excellent idea ... very economical, much more efficienf ... simply bagus lah!
He also believed that his nemesis decision to rely on qazaf was nothing more than a smokescreen. "Qazaf says that an accuser who cannot provide witnesses can be accused of slander and be whipped. So Anwar should not try to escape justice by involving qazaf."
He does not believe in Qazaf, he does not believe in Shariah, he does not belive ion Islamic jurisprudence ... According expert like Celcom Rahman, that means he does not believe in Allah. In another word, he can be a Kafir ?
Mahathir menolak Syariah, menolak Qazaf, jadi apakah bezanya Mahathir tak percaya Islam? hingga mengkritik perundangan islam ?? Ini jelas Mahathir adalah macam orang kafir, tiada bezanya dengan orang Yahudi!!
1 comment:
Sdr memang bijak mengatakan TDM kafir, tapi bimbang kalau ianya terbalik kepada diri sendiri, Sdra Anwar menyengka dengan melaksanakan Qazaf, tidak ada 4 saksi dia akan terlepas,tapi dalam Al Quran menyebut kisah Nabi yusuf dan zulaikha yang tidak cukup saksi 4 orang, tapi dengan bukti yang ada, Nabi Yusuf dibersihkan namanya. Kefahaman kita dengan kehendak Al Quraan , bukan sekadar dipermukaannya sahaja. Andaikata ada orang merogol adik engkau,hanya engkau yang jadi saksi, engkau bebaskan dia begitu sahaja? Mohon ampunlah kepada Allah SWT. Pintu taubat sentiasa terbuka diatas kecetekan ilmu kita.
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